New antibiotics on the way: How pharma can tackle the Antimicrobial Resistance crisis

The overuse and misuse of antimicrobials in humans and animals have escalated…

Confidence in Childhood Vaccines

Declining confidence in childhood vaccines: A threat for today's kids.

"We cannot allow confidence in routine immunizations to become another victim…

AAP updated guidelines for kids obesity

Updated Guidelines for Childhood Obesity - Are Drugs and Surgery Options Suitable for Kids?

On January 9th, 2023, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released new…

Psychedelics as medicine

Psychedelics as medicine in psychiatry: A “mind-altering” update.

In human history, there is a long tradition of psychedelic compounds' medicinal…

Music Therapy Health Interventions

Dancing to the tunes of music therapy health interventions coming of age.

"Music can lift us out of depression or move us to tears - it is a remedy, a…

Voice Apps in Healthcare

Voice Apps in Healthcare: Your voice has even more power now!

As discussed in a previous LucidQuest article, smart speakers have been used to…

Videogames on Prescription

Videogames on prescription: Ready Patient One

Research has mainly focused on the negative impact of gaming, and media often…


Get drugs out of the (sewage) system

A recent Netflix documentary, called Connected, highlighted the issue that many…

The rise of voice assistants in healthcare

The best option for managing your healthcare needs: Alexa, Google Assistant or…


Strengthening Pharma supply chains with technology

The past year showed us how quickly supply chains can be pushed to their limits…


Resistance is futile...or maybe not?

Amid all the news on COVID-19, it is easy to forget about one of the greatest…

The next frontier: prescribing a breath of fresh air!

In this world of lockdowns and working from home it is important to dedicate…